Magic Moments: An unforgettable day for Philipp.

The ÖZIV, a dedicated association for people with disabilities, is committed to supporting various aspects of life through numerous projects. One of these special projects is "Magic Moments," which aims to fulfill a child's heartfelt wish four times a year. On May 31, 2024, in Mattersburg, it was Philipp's turn to experience his dream!

Philipp, a seven-year-old autistic boy, has a particular passion for washing machines. At home, he spends hours observing the different washing cycles. Thanks to the association, his wish was granted: an exclusive tour of a laundry facility. With great enthusiasm, Philipp actively participated in the tour and impressed us with his knowledge of the correct washing temperatures – a knowledge he had acquired at home. His fascination and joy were contagious to all of us.

Despite the wonderful time, the tour had to end eventually. To ease Philipp's farewell, we presented him with several gifts: a SALESIANER smock with a name emblem, a children's bathrobe, a battery-operated toy washing machine, and other SALESIANER goodies for the whole family. Additionally, we organized a donation box for the ÖZIV, and we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our employees. Their commitment and willingness to donate despite their own challenges made this day possible.

We hope that this day will remain unforgettable for Philipp and his family, and we thank everyone who contributed to this special moment.

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