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Novinky zo skupiny SALESIANER

Skupina SALESIANER si upevnila pozíciu v rebríčku firiem TOP-500

Skupina SALESIANER dosiahla výrazné zlepšenie svojej pozície v aktuálnom rebríčku TOP-500 firiem magazínu Trend.
V porovnaní s minuloročným hodnotením spoločnosť postúpila zo 413. miesta na pozíciu 390.


Nová správa o udržateľnosti 2023 publikovaná

Menej vody, menej energie, menej skleníkových plynov, menej čistiacich prostriedkov, menej obalov, menej zvyškového odpadu. Toto stručne sumarizuje úspech skupiny SALESIANER v oblasti udržateľnosti.

Magic Moments: An unforgettable day for Philipp. (SK)

The ÖZIV, a dedicated association for people with disabilities, is committed to supporting various aspects of life through numerous projects. One of these special projects is "Magic Moments," which aims to fulfill a child's heartfelt wish four times a year. On May 31, 2024, in Mattersburg, it was Philipp's turn to experience his dream! 

Linen2GO: Revolutionary Concept Awarded (SK)

SALESIANER has won the ETSA Award for the best innovative project of 2024 with the innovative Linen2GO project. The award recognizes companies that are pioneering new paths in the rental textile industry with creative approaches. 

Visit of AK President Renate Anderl at HQ22 (SK)

On January 22, 2024, we had the pleasure of welcoming Renate Anderl, the President of the Austrian Chamber of Labor, to our headquarters at HQ22. Find out more about the visit that Thomas Krautschneider received at the SALESIANER Group's headquarters in the latest article.

Kremslehner Hotel Group relies on organic Fairtrade linen from SALESIANER (SK)

The two Viennese family businesses are setting an example for a more sustainable future and are joining forces in the field of sustainable organic Fairtrade linen. The Kremslehner Hotel Group and the SALESIANER Group are setting new standards for sustainable hotel furnishings by working together with certified organic Fairtrade linen. 

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